A real people must have a country that is home! The next thing is a prophet and that prophet must be the same race as the people are. And, the last is a religion! These three things make a people whole.
Posted Tuesday, February 3rd 2015 at 4:43PM
Fourteen hundred years ago the Arabian people offered up Mustafa Mohammed to be their prophet and God anointed Mohammed.
Five hundred years ago Black Americans a NEW race of people and descendants of plantation slavery offered up Harry Watley to ...
Posted Friday, January 9th 2015 at 8:36AM
God has never done anything for us Black Americans until now when I was anointed Black America’s first genuine prophet. Previous to my anointing God has never done anything for us.
Before God will help us we must first ask for help and we automati ...
Posted Sunday, December 21st 2014 at 8:37AM
What I’ve been saying is that God would never, because God has never aided a people through another people. Why do you all find this concept difficult to understand when you have seen it play just that way?
Listen to me, God has never given a lett ...
Posted Saturday, December 20th 2014 at 9:07AM
The prophets must know who his people are and how they came about, am I right. The prophet must know the genesis of his people.
I, Prophet Harry is no different from the other genuine to explain the origin of my Black American people.
Prophet ...
Posted Friday, December 19th 2014 at 4:25PM
I’ll tell you wannabe Muslims what Elijah was thinking. His concept of sovereignty and freedom was analytical and rational. What he vision in his mind and felt in his heart and spirit he was very level-headed about that earlier than Dr. King. He saw ...
Posted Friday, December 19th 2014 at 3:43PM
Are Black Americans mentally connected to White Americans? Of course, big-time!
We are connected to White America by our Christian belief in God that they gave us going back to slavery days and at the same time White America has caused great pain ...
Posted Thursday, December 18th 2014 at 7:39AM
The time White America had been up until I was anointed. What brought on my anointing is the pains of Black America’s hearts as the time pasted. Our pains or our silent spiritual crying out from our hearts it finally reached the ears o God if you wil ...
Posted Wednesday, December 17th 2014 at 9:11PM
On your profile page you have a picture of Mr. Fard Muhammad, Elijah Muhammad and Mr. Farrakhan and my question to Black American was Mr. Fard Muhammad a foreigner to Elijah Muhammad?
The answer is a definitely YES!
Mr. Marcus Muhammad you are ...
Posted Wednesday, December 17th 2014 at 6:54PM
Question! Was the Jewish Jesus a foreigner to us Black Americans? The answer is a whooping YES!
Next question. Was the Arab Mohammed a foreigner to us Black Americans? The answer is a whooping YES!
This leave we Black Americans without a real c ...
Posted Wednesday, December 17th 2014 at 6:35PM
It is clear and there is no doubt about it that White Americans gave us Black Americans (descendents of plantation slaves) their pagan god the Jewish Jesus the Christ. There is absolutely no argument that is how we Black Americans came about the Chri ...
Posted Monday, December 15th 2014 at 6:07AM
Before I answer my own question I want to ask the Black American Christian preaches and deacons did the Children of Israel had another alternative to Pharaoh’s slavery of them?
By asking this question it would help you all too analytically and rat ...
Posted Friday, December 12th 2014 at 11:51PM
There are many images or sides of God and the one image I am going to stress is the image of rational reason and analytical thinking. The good use of our brains!
Everything in God’s creation reflexes intelligences. Rational and analytical thinking ...
Posted Friday, December 12th 2014 at 10:53PM
For example, Black Americans have the Christian religion of White Americans. Black Americans and White Americans are racially two different people. This means that White Americans are benefiting from Black Americans having the Christian religion si ...
Posted Thursday, December 11th 2014 at 8:44PM
As a result his own people murdered him! Am I also right about that as well? The next highest leader to take on the racial issue was Dr. King and White America murdered Dr. King as well!
What kind of message is White America sending to us Black Am ...
Posted Tuesday, December 9th 2014 at 8:39PM
This is what Black Americans must do if we want to have a genuine SPIRITUAL dialogue amongst ourselves about God!
We Black Americans must leave White America’s Christian religion as well as the Arabian Islamic religion out side since we Black Amer ...
Posted Tuesday, December 9th 2014 at 8:28PM
Black Americans need to have a spiritual dialogue with our selves since God is in our midst now!
When every God is in the midst of a people you will always find a genuine prophet!
God has communicated to me that sovereignty in a country of our ...
Posted Tuesday, December 9th 2014 at 8:19PM
Ms. Agnes Levine, Mr. David Johnson, Ms. Bride, Ms. Siebra Muhammad, Mr. Soso, Ms. Cynthia Artis and the rest of you I have not named.
I laid down a divine law when I said that prophets are racially different! When you didn’t know if this law God ...
Posted Tuesday, October 7th 2014 at 4:35PM
I said to him that I’ve told you things that you did not know before you sank your soul and spirit into the Jewish Jesus and White America’s Christian religion that absolutely requires a change in your belief in White America’s Christian religion and ...
Posted Monday, October 6th 2014 at 7:27AM
From day one our belief in the Jewish Jesus has always brought to us/Black Americans suffering and death even to this day!
The people that gave Black Americans the Christian religion and the Jewish Jesus was White Americans our former plantation s ...
Posted Thursday, October 2nd 2014 at 12:13PM
Firstly, Black Americans are not written of in the Christian Bible therefore the perceived lies in the Bible has nothing to do with Black Americans. If there are any lies in the Bible they’re all White lies am I right!
Since Black Americans are no ...
Posted Wednesday, October 1st 2014 at 5:48PM
To get the attention of God the entire race must be in a constant pain and suffering for a long period of time such as the Children of Israel was in when they were in Egypt.
God does not come to single individuals. When God helps the entire race ...
Posted Wednesday, October 1st 2014 at 12:20PM
The first man is the Christian Deacon Ron Gray. This man goes and gets White America’s White Christian religion and brings it back to the group and says this is the way Black Americans should go.
The second man is Jamal Abraham. This man goes an ...
Posted Tuesday, September 23rd 2014 at 5:24AM
Firstly, Black Americans must have a bona fide connection to God. A bona fide connection means that this connection is for Black Americans only. Like the Arab connection is for the Arabian people only since people are racially different.
Secondly, Black Americans must have a bona fide religion ...
Posted Tuesday, September 23rd 2014 at 4:55AM